Here is a brief description of my current research interests
Metaphysics of Science
Part of my research focuses on recent debates on the metaphysics of science. My Ph.D. dissertation looked into a minimalist approach to key issues concerning scientific ontology, such as unobservable ontological presuppositions, mathematical entities and laws. In particular, I endorse the view that metaphysical practice has the means to contribute to shaping our scientific worldview through both local and global applications
Indispensability Arguments
My interest in the metaphysics of science led me to investigate a variety of topics related to indispensability arguments in the philosophy of mathematics. Overall, I reject platonist readings of this argument, and suggest a distinction between indispensable pragmatic and epistemic contributions of mathematics to science.
Laws of Nature
Most of my recent work is devoted to examining philosophical issues concerning scientific laws. In particular, within the framework of a 3-year, governmental-funded research grant, I currently articulate a (very minimal) physico-mathematical conception of scientific laws. Parcels of mathematics, models, measurements and some metaphysics are responsible, I argue, for the character of laws in scientific practice.
Variations on Scientific Realism
For a number of years, I have worked on the tenability of scientific realism, particularly in view of such critical appraisals as the pessimistic meta-induction and constructive empiricism. After spending some time assessing various forms of selective realism (semirealism, structural realism (epistemic and ontic), and the divide et impera), I have come to argue for a local selective realist approach.
Scientific Revolution: Early-Modern HPS
I am increasingly interested in the rise of natural philosophy and its role in the birth of modern science. Comparative studies of the works of Bacon, Copernicus, Descartes, Galileo, Locke, Newton, Hume and Kant shed light on the intertwining of philosophical and scientific investigations, clarifying such notions as mechanicism, determinism, laws of nature, causation, space, time, and else.
Classical Pragmtism
My first encounter with the philosophy of science came through the study of Peirce's views on abduction and scientific discovery. This is today a hot topic in the general philosophy of science, which Peirce's ideas in logic, epistemology and metaphysics illuminate in a number of ways. I have also looked into the pragmatic approaches to rationality and knowledge in the works of James, Dewey, Sellars, and Quine.