'Newton'a Royal Society project for the laws of nature', Jornadas sobre Fundamentos, Filosofía e Historia de la Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 21-24 October 2024.
'Newton's unfinished metaphysics of laws of nature', Seminario de Filosofía de la Naturaleza, PUC de Valparaíso, Chile, 26 September 2024.
'Newton y las leyes de la naturaleza', III Jornadas CEFILOE en Filosofía de las Ciencias y la Teconología, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile, 28 June 2024.
'Newton's unfinished metaphysics of laws of nature', Seminarios del Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile, Chile, 31 May 2024.
'Newton y la metafísica de las leyes de la naturaleza', Seminario de Metafísica, USACH, Chile, 9 May 2024.
'Wigner on physical laws', Workshop on Philosophy of Science, Philosophy Department, Universidad de Chile, Chile, 9-10 November 2023.
'Physical laws, modality, and empiricism', The 11th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, University of Vienna, Austria, 21-25 August 2023.
'Laws of nature', Inductive Metaphysics Conference, University of Düsseldorf, Germany, 11-13 August 2023.
'Physical modality for physical laws', From Science to Metaphysics: 4th Workshop of the OLOFOS Group. Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, 11-12 May 2023.
'Roberto Torretti's Philosophy of Science', Homenaje Iberoamericano a Roberto Torretti, UNED, Spain, 19 January 2023.
'Nomological eliminativism: writing the last chapter of the laws of nature', Hi-Phi International Conference, CIHUT, FCUL - FCT, Universidad de Lisboa, Portugal, 23-24 June 2022
'Physical modality for physical laws', Logos Research Group in Analytic Philosophy, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, 16 June 2022.
'Physical modality for physical laws', Seminario de Metafísica de las Ciencias, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 17 May 2022
‘Physical modality for physical laws’, Metaphysics of Science Seminar, KU Leuven, Belgium, 11 March 2022.
‘Revisiting nomological eliminativism’, Lunchtime Meetings, Centre for the Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences, LSE, UK. 02 February 2022.
'Leyes físicas y la estructura de la realidad', XXI Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, USACH, Chile, 20-22 October 2021.
'Modalidad física y leyes físicas', VII Congreso Asociación Chilena de Filosofia, Chile, 4-8 October 2021.
'Objetividad y valores en ciencia y tecnología', keynote address, VI Debate Interescolar USACH, Chile, 27 September 2021.
'Eliminativismo nomológico', Segundas Jornadas de Fundamentos, Filosofía e Historia de la Física, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 10, 13 and 14 September 2021.
'Leyes de la naturaleza y la estructura de la realidad', Tertulias Filosóficas sobre Fundamentos de la Ciencia, Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática e Instituto de Filosofía, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile, 11 June 2021.
'Leyes de la naturaleza y la estructura de la realidad', Conversatorios Internacionales del Posgrado de FCyL, Universidad Autónoma de México, México, 17, 19 and 24 May 2021.
'Metafísica, modalidad y leyes de la naturaleza', Seminario de Metafísica y Filosofía Teórica, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 25 November 2020.
'Leyes de la naturaleza', Realismo Científico y Leyes de la Naturaleza, Revista Colombiana de Filosofia de las Ciencias, Colombia, 05 November 2020.
'Filosofía de las ciencias, valores y políticas públicas', Coloquio Filosofia, Ciencia y Pandemia: Reflexiones Críticas Universidad Católica del Maule, 13 August 2020.
'Pluralismo científico, pluralismo metafísico (segunda parte)', VI Congreso Asociación Chilena de Filosofía, Pucón, Chile, 22-25 October 2019.
'Pluralismo científico, pluralismo metafísico (primera parte)', II Workshop Metafísica: Debates Recientes, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile, 11 October 2019.
'Structuralism in science, mathematics, and metaphysics', roundtable with Otávio Bueno (University of Miami) and Anjan Chakravartty (University of Miami). Workshop on Philosophy of Science: Current Debates, 1-3 October 2019.
'Physical laws, invariance, and mathematics', Workshop on Philosophy of Science: Current Debates, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile, 1-3 October 2019
'The inferential conception of physical laws', XX Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, PUC de Chile, 27-30 August 2019
'The inferential conception of physical laws', 11th Principia Symposium, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil, 19-22 August 2019.
'On the Interaction between Physics and Metaphysics', First Chilean Conference of Philosophy of Physics, Instituto de Filosofía, PUC de Valparaíso, Chile, 28-30 November 2018.
'Sobre la interacción entre física y metafísica', VI Encuentro Círculo de Filosofía de la Naturaleza, Universidad Austral, Chile, 21-23 November 2018.
'Debates recientes en filosofía de las matemáticas: ontología, indispensabilidad y aplicabilidad', Seminario de Epistemología del Instituto de Matemáticas, PUC de Valparaíso, Chile, 14 November 2018.
'Local selective realism: shifting from classical to quantum electrodynamics', Philosophy of Science Association Conference, Seattle, U.S.A., 1-4 November 2018 (with Diego Romero-Maltrana, who will be the presenter of this paper)
'The inferential conception of physical laws', Workshop on Foundations of Science, SADAF, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3-4 September 2018.
'Physical laws and the application of mathematics', Workshop Current Debates in Philosophy of Science: Mathematics, Models and Laws, Universidad de Chile, 27-28 August 2018.
'Roundtable on mathematical and physical structures', with Otávio Bueno (University of Miami, U.S.A.) and Roman Frigg (CPNSS, LSE, England), XIX Jornadas de Filosofía de las Ciencias Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 31 August 2018.
'Metafísica de la ciencia: el caso de las leyes de la naturaleza', Coloquios del Instituto de Física, PUC de Valparaíso, Chile, 22 August 2018 (web).
'The inferential conception and the distinction between mathematical and physical structures', British Society for the Philosophy of Science Conference, Oxford University, United Kingdom, 4-6 July 2018.
'On the distinction between mathematical and physical structures', Centre for the Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences, London School of Economics, England, 5 June 2018.
'El argumento de la indispensabilidad epistémica en filosofía de la matemática', Seminarios de Filosofía de la Ciencia, IFICC, Chile, 16 November 2017.
'Metafísica de la ciencia: aplicaciones globales y locales', Coloquio de Filosofía, Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile, 7 noviembre 2017.
‘The epistemic indispensability argument’, Philosophy Colloquia, Department of Philosophy, University of Miami, USA, 20 October 2017.
‘Laws explain their instances: a reply to Jaag’, Third Conference of the Society for the Metaphysics of Science, Fordham University, New York, USA, 5-7 October 2017.
Discussion panel with Otávio Bueno and Anjan Chakravartty: ‘Semirealism, structural empiricism, and the future of an age-old debate’, XVIII Jornadas en Filosofía de las Ciencias Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile, 23 – 25 October 2017.
‘On the physico-mathematical structure of scientific laws’, XVIII Jornadas en Filosofía de las Ciencias Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile, 23 – 25 August 2017.
‘La metáfora del museo y la historia de la filosofía’, Grupo de Estudios de Filosofía Analítica (GEFAUCH), Tercera Jornada de Coexistencia Pacífica: Filosofía e Historia de la Filosofía, 13 October 2016.
‘Epistemic Mathematical Realism’, X Encontro AFHIC, Asociación de Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia del Cono Sur, Aguas de Lindoia, Sao Paulo, 12-15 September 2016.
‘Realismo selectivo retrospectivo: Una interpretación minimalista de la transición desde la electrodinámica clásica a la electrodinámica cuántica”, XVII Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile, 24-26 August 2016.
‘Minimalism and selective realism: shifting from Fresnel’s to Maxwell’s theories of light’, Australasian Association for the History and the Philosophy of Science Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia, November 4-6, 2015.
‘A physico-mathematical account of scientific laws’, History and Philosophy of Science Seminar Series, University of Melbourne, Australia, September 2015.
‘A minimalist approach to scientific laws’, Work in Progress Day, University of Melbourne, Australia, June 2015.
‘Who needs mathematical ontology?’, Postgraduate Philosophy Colloquium, University of Melbourne, Australia, April 2015.
'Epistemic mathematical realism: a minimalist reading of indispensability arguments', Work in Progress Day, University of Melbourne, Australia, October 2014.
'The role of models in scientific thinking', History and Philosophy of Science Seminar Series, University of Melbourne, Australia, September 2014.
'Saving the realist stance', Postgraduate Philosophy Colloquium, Philosophy, University of Melbourne, Australia, May 2014.
'Mathematics and metaphysics on the boundaries of scientific ontology', Postgraduate Philosophy Colloquium, University of Melbourne, Australia, October 2013.
'A structural realist approach to laws of nature', Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia, October 2013.
'Jack Smart's scientific realism: on common sense and scientism', Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, University of Queensland, Australia, July 2013.
'Scientific metaphysics once again', Postgraduate Philosophy Colloquium, University of Melbourne, Australia, June 2013.
'What is the new metaphysics of science?', Association of History and Philosophy of Science Students Conference, History and Philosophy of Science Program, University of Melbourne, Australia, February 2013.
'What is the new metaphysics of science?', Postgraduate Philosophy Colloquium, University of Melbourne, Australia, November 2012.
'A critique of the philosophy of laws of nature - or abductive scientific realism meets mathematical realism', History and Philosophy of Science Seminar Series, University of Melbourne, Australia, September 2012.
'What is abductive scientific realism', Postgraduate Philosophy Colloquium, University of Melbourne, Australia, August 2012.
'A new metaphysics of science for the laws of nature', Australasian Association of Philosophy Conferences, University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, July 2012.
‘Hume: a los 300 años de su nacimiento’, V Jornadas de Filosofía Moderna, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, May 2011.